In 2017, Batch Seven was looking to take an on-demand cannabis retail. The creative challenge was to prep the brand to launch. The project included field research, brand strategy, logo, eCommerce website, packaging, photography, illustration, social.
Concept: Cannabis for mindfulness.
Role: Creative Director
Urban dwellers, 25-45. They’re working professionals, active, and generally healthy, environmentally conscious, and considerate of what they put into their bodies. They’re yoga practitioners and feminists. They’re holistic health fans and nature-lovers. They’re generally drawn to brands that are natural, eco-conscious, and positive—as long as it comes from a place of authenticity.
Brand Promise
To help people savor life by sparking mindfulness, focus, contemplation, and joy.
slow down, tune in, turn on
Our time on earth yields absurd amounts of beauty, meaning, and richness when we are able to slow down and be present. This revelation isn't new and being present isn’t easy—that’s why meditation is a practice that’s thousands of years old. Cannabis isn’t new, either. And we believe this ancient plant is uniquely able to improve our modern lives.
At the heart of everything we do is the belief that taking time for oneself is essential for mental wellness and personal growth. We fiercely advocate for these times of retreat and psychic rejuvenation, and offer cannabis products specifically chosen to enhance the moments. And although they almost rhyme, we realize that “cannabis” and “mindfulness” are not words that are usually associated with each other, so we spread the message of cannabis’ venerable history as well as all the ways it makes modern life better.
Personality & Tone of Voice
Supportive and nonjudgemental
Inclusive and relatable
Lighthearted and funny
Brand Manifesto
Picture a man at the symphony. The music is transcendent. Everyone is weeping. Except for the man, who can’t stop thinking about his phone, his emails, his tweets, his newsfeed. San Francisco, our home, city of contradictions: We have so many opportunities to plug into the infinite—yoga by candlelight, sunset from surfboard, and the stillness that comes with the fog. And yet it is so hard to do so. Blame digital distraction, blame a culture that treats these activities as indulgent luxuries, blame whoever coined the term “life hacking,” as though we were robots instead of human beings. The result is the same: It has never been harder to be present. And it has never been more essential to do so. We know that cannabis is the opposite of busy. Cannabis is closing all twenty browser windows. Cannabis is taking a deep breath. Cannabis, too, is heightened senses. It’s music that you’ll never forget. It’s taking a bath and feeling the water on your skin. Our souls need these little retreats. These rituals are a psychic balm. They make us better, and make us better versions of ourselves. That’s why we do what we do. By delivering cannabis—up and down these San Francisco hills, someday up and down the state—we’re helping people slow down and focus on the present. It’s small, but it’s big. A contradiction? Possibly. We are from San Francisco, after all.
A half-wheel, an homage to both the wheel of self-care, a cannabis leaf, and the rising sun.
Visual Language
Colors & Typography